Our sustainability journey
It’s estimated that the Internet has a larger carbon footprint than the airline industry. Since 2017, we've been on a journey of understanding the carbon benefits that digital transformation can bring and what can we do to reduce the digital carbon footprint as well as help our clients on their own sustainability journey.
Our pledge
In 2020 MMT became a carbon negative company, offsetting far more emissions than we generate. And we are now leading the way in switching over to carbon removals. We've pledged to halve our employee carbon footprint by 2024. As part of the MSQ agency group, we now have formally approved Science Based Targets to reduce it even further by 2030, as we move towards Net Zero.
Join our Net Zeromovement!
We are confident that reducing our carbon footprint is a positive contribution to a greener future for businesses, people and the planet. Start on your own journey by signing up to our free carbon reduction online course (attended and loved by 2,350 green-minded students so far!) and get access to our open source library of CO2 reduction models and tools.