What’s next in tech? How emerging tech will drive better digital experiences

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With industry analysts already summing up what 2023 has meant for digital transformation and turning their eyes to 2024, MMT decided to take our own shot at discussing what emerging tech means for the way enterprises devise and deliver better digital experiences for customers.

Here’s our take of nine types of emerging tech coming down the tracks - or, in some cases, already here.

Data for digital experiences

Still seeing the highest volume of job postings across all of the tech trends identified, applied AI is the use by organisations of machine learning (ML), computer vision, natural language processing and other capabilities to automate their processes and augment operations.

Its power for CX lies in customer data analytics. For example, using insights captured from huge volumes of data, AI-driven models could rapidly personalise the digital experiences for your customers by presenting them with the most relevant and useful products and services for them. Having the right talent and resource will be key, as will allaying any customer concerns over the secure use of their data.

ML’s role in emerging tech

Also called ML operations, or MLOps, this is the scaling of associated engineering practices needed to drive an enterprise. To make the most of the opportunities for better CX, you’ll need to tap into an ecosystem of technical tools that boost both efficiency and functionality of your digital strategy.

MLOps promises to turn even the lengthiest and most labyrinthine tasks into speedy operations - meaning that if you harness it properly, you’ll be able to rapidly analyse sales data, predict future demand, and deliver the digital products and services that customers crave faster and more efficiently than ever before. A sure way to keep ahead of your rivals.

Generative AI goes big

 The emerging tech that has got everyone talking. It’s able to create new and unstructured content - from video and text to code and simulations - based on what it learns from similar formats of unstructured data. While tending to be human-operated for now, the future heralds automation on an industrial scale, allowing for endless possibilities.

This promises much for digital experiences, and you might already be taking advantage. In the first instance, it can be used as a communication channel. Think about how you can make customer interactions more intuitive and efficient: two aspects of a far more fulfilling user experience. But it will enable far more: the time from market research and hypothesis to product/service development and launch is set to be slashed, giving the customer what they want, before they know they want it. 

Web3 as a step-change in customers’ online identities

An exciting development in customer data, Web3 promises to decentralise and democratise personal information, potentially offering more control over how that data is used and monetised. While it’s reeling in capital like there’s no tomorrow, Web3 remains limited by few successful use cases to draw on, alongside ethical concerns.

But it’s coming.Experts herald the advent of Web3 as a step-change in customers’ online identities, with individuals enabled to create a digital persona. They will be able to play by their own rules rather than the constraints of, say, an e-commerce site, which will no doubt improve CX, while posing challenges for enterprises. 

Next-generation software takes off

A key part of the digital future, next-generation tech has already boosted engineering capability across the software development lifecycle. Only resource and technical challenges are holding back this area, but widespread use is on the horizon.

Closely aligned with the emergence of Generative AI, the next-gen software sphere will significantly shorten digital product development and bring great gains for digital experiences.

Cybersecurity and digital experiences

Going together like a horse and carriage, trust architectures and digital identity underpin a gamut of good stuff; ranging from visual recognition that speeds up customer registration to highlighting underrepresented segments of an enterprise’s customer database. 

You underestimate the effect of user trust at your peril. One study of US consumers discovered nearly three in four would shun brands that don’t obviously put data security front and centre. CX can be slick and something special, but if it doesn’t feel secure customers won’t be back for more. 

Connecting the world

In an era when we’re all tethered to our smartphones and other mobile devices connectivity is everything. Tech is taking great strides in this area: enter the likes of 6G and Low Earth Orbit connections.

The ultimate seamless digital experiences may now be on the cards thanks to advanced connectivity. In itself this emerging tech could drive a step change for digital transformation as a whole. Slick, seamless, end-to-end CX, which can guarantee users faster and better transactions - or help with a health crisis or remote emergency.

Blurring reality’s boundaries

This is where the boundaries of real and imaginary truly begin to blur. An emerging tech portfolio that includes Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality - and has already introduced the Metaverse to consumers. 

But many remain sceptical about CX points that can be scored by immersive technology compared to real interactions in the real world. As ever, time will tell. For now, how will your organisation begin to embrace the future of spatial computing, visualisation and digital twins as part of your wider digital transformation?

Cloud and edge computing

We’re on the cusp of leveraging new infrastructure that powers business with store and compute capabilities through remote models. Cloud and edge (close-to-premise servers) computing provide flexibility and scale in an era when agility is needed most to fuel first-class CX.

In terms of digital experiences, expect engagement at lightning speed: faster interactions and response times. Real-time, personalised marketing that boosts loyalty and revenue. Because as studies show, four in five customers demand a brand response PDQ. 

Fascinating stuff, ushering in a fruitful era for digital experiences - but a frantic one, too. Is your organisation ready for the next technology revolution?

If you'd like to discuss digital transformation and how MMT can support you and your team, don't hesitate to contact us.