#EmbraceEquity in Tech – International Women's Day 2023 

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It’s the 8th March 2023 and International Women’s Day is upon us.This years’ IWD theme is #EmbraceEquity. The aim of the #EmbraceEquity campaign is to get the world talking about Why equal opportunities aren't enough. People start from different places, so true inclusion and belonging require equitable action.  

We created this MMT blog takeover to help raise awareness on the topic and share the views of women across MMT on the IWM seen from the women in tech perspective – how far we’ve progressed with gender equality and equity in 2023, and what should we focus on going onwards.  

Read on for some real mic-drop quotes, and if you like what you see please help us amplify the voices of women in tech and share this blog on your social media with your own quote added to your post. Don’t forget to tag us in so we can give you our big thumbs up too! 

Photo of Afolakemi Ojo, Technical Product Owner, MMT

Mentorship is one area in the tech sector where, I believe, we should improve on if we are to achieve our goals of gender equality. Although mentorship initiatives do exist, there are currently way less mentors than women seeking mentorship. According to reports, about 63% of women have never had a formal mentor. In my opinion, connecting with professionals that women can relate to, and incorporating their social diversities and backgrounds is key in growing the number of women in tech.

Afolakemi Ojo

Technical Product Owner, MMT

Amy Whitcher, Net Zero and Sustainability Executive at MMT

To me, IWD is about these three areas: 1. reflecting on those who pioneered change in the past; 2. raising important conversations around the opportunities for women in spaces that are still ‘male dominant’; 3. discussing how we will continue women’s empowerment in the future. IWD is a fantastic opportunity to celebrate all the successes of women around the world. Celebrating the empowerment of women and all that women have achieved is not calling for the demise of men. It's about challenging gender stereotypes and ensuring women as well as other underrepresented groups have equal representation in societal conversations and impacting the narrative. This day is recognition of the fact that gender roles in society are now more fluid for all genders.

Amy Whitcher

Net Zero and Sustainability Executive, MMT

Photo of Ellie Brown, Office Coordinator, MMT

Wouldn't it be great if every celebration was based on merit? I am inspired by people’s behaviours and actions, regardless of their gender, race, ethnicity or religion. If I read a book written by a woman, I don’t think “she’s a great female author”, I simply think of her as a great author. Sometimes I feel that days like IWD risk being divisive if celebrated in the wrong way. For me, it's a day of appreciation and gratitude, that, on the whole, as a woman living in the UK, I feel safe to be who I want to be, do what I want to do and say what I want to say. It's a chance to reflect on the amazing and inspiring women that came before - defying tradition, refusing to accept things as they were, and selflessly taking large risks, as well as the men who supported their cause and advocated for women.

Ellie Brown

Office Coordinator, MMT

Photo of Jess Duxbury, HR Placement Student, MMT

At work and at home I am surrounded by amazing women that are successful and continue to add value to the lives of those around them. They play multiple roles such as manager, daughter, mother, wife and friend, which make them the person they are which should be celebrated. To me, IWD is about celebrating and showcasing the amazing work that women all around the world have carried out to get us where we are today, and the value that women can add through this work. Not because they are women but because they are successful.

Jess Duxbury,

HR Placement Student, MMT

It’s not enough for companies to share photos of women who happen to work in their organisations. Every business needs to be critically looking at its structure, ethics and working practices to ensure it’s a place where women will thrive, not just survive. A key issue is the lack of intersectionality. Having women present in a company is a start, but it’s not enough. We need to be seeing senior roles being filled by women of colour, trans women, women living with disabilities and women from countless minority groups. Diverse representation at a senior level is what will most rapidly accelerate equality throughout the industry.

Kelly Whiteoak

Product Delivery Team Manager, MMT

I consciously choose to not celebrate IWD, because I feel that if we still need to have a dedicated day to celebrate women, we are very far from having gender equality in the everyday life. That said, I do like a good excuse to go out with friends, so happy IWM if you celebrate it!

Monica Celi

Project Manager, MMT

Shabari Shetty, Senior TPO at MMT

This IWD, I’d like to urge you to learn one thing and do one thing: 1. Learn: if you haven’t yet, read "Invisible Women" and you’ll be enlightened by the striking data about how women navigate the world designed by and for men. 2. Do: Invite all the women to take your seat at the table. It's paramount to know that having that seat for yourself is not the end goal. When you are at the metaphorical (or real) table, don’t think that you’re fighting all the other women for that one spot. Fight for multiple seats for multiple women at that table.

Shabari Shetty

Senior Technical Product Owner, MMT

Vanessa Maia, UX Designer at MMT

IWD is a great opportunity to celebrate our gender equality achievements so far, and reflect on areas we still need to improve. Working in the tech industry, I feel there are times when a woman’s ability to do her job properly can be questioned more often compared to her male colleagues. It's great to see that this attitude is changing as we see more successful female professionals and leaders joining tech companies in the UK and globally. However, to keep improving equality in the workplace, it’s important to keep sharing our experiences and endorse companies that listen to their employees.

Vanessa Maia

UX Designer, MMT

Thank you for reading. Let's embrace equity and equality in tech and everywhere, together!