eBook: A CTO’s Guide to Assessing the Four Pillars of Digital Maturity

  • Insights
  • eBook

If you’ve ever led on a full digital transformation at a large enterprise, you’re already familiar with the complexity of the transformation process. Designing and executing a huge multi-year programme that covers most of your business can make this undertaking seem daunting or even impossible.  

At MMT, we’ve helped some of the biggest enterprise-level organisations in the UK and globally transform their digital estate while delivering effective digital solutions for their business and its customers at speed and scale. 

However, when it comes to a full-scale digital transformation, the key question our clients ask themselves is: where do I even start? 

In a nutshell, a great place to begin is to conduct the assessment of what you already have. 

To break down the complexity of any digital transformation, we’ve created an eBook that answers the question in detail and equips digital leaders with a framework for starting and shaping their journey to digital maturity.  

We designed this eBook building on our two-decade long experience as a digital partner, and using multiple client case studies. The eBook discusses 4 simple practical steps you can take today to start a digital transformation programme for your organisation, using the lens of our four key pillars: platforms, processes, people and purpose.  

Assessing the challenge through the lens of these four pillars, will help you establish your company’s digital maturity, allowing you to create a strategy and plan so you can start your transformation journey:  

  • Platforms – assess your company’s digital infrastructure 

  • Processes – investigate the state of your DevOps 

  • People – review your agile development capacity and culture 

  • Purpose – examine whether your digital solutions are sustainable, accessible and inclusive